Chandelier Styles

In Februaru 2025 Ed will complete his 661st chandelier. Most have been installed in private residences, some have gone to restaurants, corporate offices, or public spaces.

The styles listed below can be mixed or stand alone to create many different looks from wild to elegant.

Pointed Curly Chandeliers

Chandeliers made of spiral shaped curlies with pointed ends and a twisted optical pattern.

Chandelier #631

Compact chandeliers

Chandeliers made of smaller pieces to fit smaller rooms.

Chandelier #470

Ensiform Element Chandeliers

Glass pieces with a flattened wavy shape.

Chandelier #638

Knobby Curly Chandeliers

Glass Pieces have knobs on the end of the spiral.

Chandelier #555

Combination Chandeliers, Knobby, Pointed, Ensiform

Styles can be mixed together for more variety.

Chandelier #580

Combinations of Knobby and Pointed Curlies

"Combination" style chandeliers can be made up of any number of styles.

Chandelier #514

Mid Century Modern Box Chandeliers

This style chandelier uses sheet glass. Fused glass is also available in place of the single color sheets of glass in the boxes.

Chandelier #649

Chandelier #636

Chandelier #637

Chandeliers with vertical pieces

If chandelier is seen from above the vertical pieces help hide the light fixture inside.

Chandelier #613

Chandelier #619

Chandelier #629

Chandelier #570

Pointed Curlies and Ensiform Chandeliers

Color tips added to the pointed ends of chandeliers.

Chandelier #588

Oval Shaped Chandeliers

Chandeliers that aren't round, these fit over long dining room tables or in long narrow areas.

Chandelier #598

Chandelier #597

Chandelier #536

Chandelier #589

Star Light Spectrum Chandeliers

Small spike style glass pieces with colortips.

Chandelier #624

Large Spike Chandeliers

Large straight glass pieces.

Chandelier #542

View Chandeliers by Number

A list of Chandeliers by number with information on sizes, styles, and colors included with the image of each piece.
» View Chandeliers by Number